Sunday, January 24, 2010

Alots happened since my last post.........

Wow!! I really should keep up with this better. Oh well. Like the title says, It's been a while since my last post and alot has happened. Finally got the ole Merc runnin' reliably. Don't ask what all I've had to replace.

On the 16th this month, I had my first ever tournament at Welsh Reservoir. Got up at 2:15am, left at 2:30, picked up my partner (his first ever tourney too) and we were off. We got to the ramp at 5:20am to beat the rush. There were 5 clubs and about 60 boats out there so I wanted to get "The Mistress" launched before the rush. Take off was at 7:15. Between the 2 of us we boated a total of 22 fish, most were short though, in the 15 to 17 inch range. Welsh has an 18" limit so it makes it rough. Howerver, we did have 1 that measured with 5 minutes to spare! At least we weighed in. To make the day better the weather was horrible to say the least! The wind was out of the north at about 20mph all day. Then there was the rain/mist/drizzly miserableness. Learned really quickly that I needed some rain pants. I didn't take any pictures, but my partner did, just need him to email 'em to me.

Went out to Lewisville again on the 20th. Caught one decent fish in 2 hours before I called it a day. Bad news is I snagged a rod/reel combo on a backswing and casted it 40' away from the boat. Yep splash!! Now it sits in 35 feet of water.

Went out to Lewisville again yesterday and today. Yesterday's conditions were horrible again, rain, wind and cold. Nothing to report.

TODAY however the weather was much better. No rain BUT there was a northwest wind around 20 all day. That combo makes for ROUGH water!! My old modified tri hull doesn't do 3' rollers, at least not without me getting wet. (I have rainpants now)
Here are a couple pics from today. First one is from the hatchery cove with the Citrus Stick standing out against a pretty cool old gate. The second one is on the ramp and is self-explanitory.